RAU LOAD CARGO S.L we are a company dedicated to the transport of goods by road.
Our quality policy is solely based on the implementation and development of our Quality Management System and Food Safety Systems according to norm ISO 9001 and IFS Logistic. Our Quality Management and Food Safety Systems extend to all of our departments, paying particular attention to quality control of goods and services and to the general process of food transportation by road, promoting quality culture at every department in our company.
At RAU LOAD CARGO S.L we are committed to meeting all requirements specified by the interested parties; ranging from the standard legal and regulatory requirements to those demanded by our clients; we are committed to a safe transportation of the goods provided by our clients, according to their quality and regulatory requirements which are all depicted in procedures and documents that will ensure the achievement of the commitments acquired.
In order to achieve this, the following guidelines have been approved:
Results-Orientation. “We prefer an employee that will accomplish their objectives working 8 hours a day rather than someone who works 12 hours a day and does not reach them”. In this sense, we understand that the ideal way to obtain professional and communicative development is by implementing management by objectives and performance management systems.
Commercial Spirit. This is an essential part in understanding our company’s core values. Comprehending our client´s expectations is vital to demonstrating our absolute commitment in the identification of any problem, delivering ideal solutions to satisfy client needs.
Energy and Perseverance. It is very important that our employees are comfortable working at RLC since this job can sometimes turn stressful and may lead to tense situations.We try to make this a pleasant place to work in, and we put special emphasis on a healthy and communicative relationship between employees and head management.
Risk Management. Head Management encourages employees to autonomously make decisions that involve certain risks but are carefully monitored, this way our employees can take on their own initiatives in order to reinforce their own work convictions and to learn from their mistakes.
Empowerment. Each team member makes their own decisions according to the responsibilities assigned in the Job Description Manual, with a flexible error policy since innovation and delegation can be re adjusted to meet new requirements.
Human Team. At RLC we strongly believe that employees are the company´s strongest assets, both attracting and retaining talent are key elements and must be supported by specific development policies such as career plans, pleasant work climate, internal communication, existence of variable salary and internal and external training opportunities.
Personnel Responsibilities. All personnel must assume their tasks at whatever level they are assigned. Head management delegates to each worker the authority needed to carry out whatever activities are assigned in order to obtain the expected results.
Quality of our Services and Continuous Improvement. We strive to reinforce creative participation from all team members in order to achieve solutions to problems and to continue our improvement.
Product Safety. Through temperature control and hygiene adjustments during all transportation services, we can obtain and deliver an absolute control over the transported goods, offering a service that will ensure product safety and compliance with legal requirements.
We actively put into practice proper management of environmental aspects in order to reduce the consumption of natural resources, ensuring in this manner sustainability.
Likewise, this document establishes the reference frame to establish and review Quality Control objectives and goals, seeking the achievement of the following general objectives:
- Commit to a service quality that will satisfy all interested parties, describing their needs and carefully listening to their complaints, claims, and suggestions.
- Improve satisfaction of all interested parties (meet needs and expectations) through the application of our efficient Quality Management System and Food Safety Systems, diminishing the number of incidents that may affect our business activity.
- Continuously improve our Quality Management System and Food Safety Systems and their processes.
- Provide the necessary resources to withhold and continuously improve the efficiency of our Quality Management System and Food Safety Systems.
- Improve relationships and communication systems between the interested parties in order to reduce incidents in deliveries and nonconformity with providers.
In RLC Transports S.L we persevere in:
- Our compromise with staff training
- Ensuring delivery of an excellent quality level and reliability of work performed.
All of these policies have the final objective of improving our services and quality to create greater satisfaction for our clients towards the company and staff.
To sum up, Head Management at RAU LOARD CARGO S.L continuously aims to improve through the control of quality objectives and its continuous monitoring within the frame established by this document. All of RAU LOAD Cargo S.L personnel commits to complying with guidelines and objectives regarding Quality Control matters in accordance to instructions established by Head Management. In this manner, the Quality Management System and Food Safety Systems policies are available to all interested parties both in our facilities and in the company’s website .